
A large part of India, particularly rural areas, lacks access to robust primary healthcare services, and eye care is no exception. Proper sight is one of the most important senses as it is responsible for the absorption of information and stimuli around us and helps us lead a complete, fulfilling life. However, in India, lack of access and inadequate facilities act as barriers to proper ophthalmic care. 

Empowering individuals from underserved communities with proper eye care and eyewear to help improve their eye health is not only a major public health service, but will also help improve their long-term health, educational, and professional outcomes. Research finds that eye disease is one of the most overlooked health issues in India and this problem must be rectified, especially when the leading causes of eye deficiencies are treatable and preventable. It is important to generate awareness about the importance of eye health and regular eye care, as well as facilitate access to eye checkups and eyewear for populations that require it the most, to build a more equitable society and help individuals lead healthy, dignified lives.